英語絵本「The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge:小さな赤い灯台と巨大な灰色の橋」Hildegarde H.Swift & Lynd Ward著 Voyager Books/Harcourt,Inc. 2002年(1942年初版)発行 Ages 3 to 7 US$8.00 64頁 21×17.2×0.5㎝ 0.14㎏ Paperback $16.00 64頁 21.6×18×1cm 0.27kg paperback
【内容紹介】 On the Manhattan bank of the Hudson River, a small lighthouse--made of steel and painted bright red--proudly protects boats with his faithful beam. One day a great expanse of gray steel, which also shines a bright light into the fog and darkness, is built over it. The little red lighthouse feels insignificant and useless in comparison but soon learns that . . . small can be mighty!
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