英訳書「The Book of Tokyo:A City in Short Fiction/東京の本:短編小説の中の都市」Michael Emmerich,Jim Hinks,Masashi Matsuie編 Comma Press,2015年4月9日発行 180頁+目次序11頁 9.99ポンド 19.8×13×1.7cm 0.22kg paperback
(内容紹介) "The Book of Tokyo" collects 10 stories by some of Japan s most exciting contemporary short story writers. Together, the stories form a kind of literary map of the city s ever-changing districts through its fiction. With works of literary fiction, crime, science fiction, and horror, the anthology provides an imaginative tour of the city for short story fans and travelers alike."
(作品と著者) ‘Model T Frankenstein’by Hideo Furukawa/ ‘Picnic’ by Kaori Ekuni/ ‘A House for Two’ by Mitsuyo Kakuta/ ‘Mummy’ by Banana Yoshimoto/ ‘The Owl’s Estate’ by Toshiyuki Horie/ ‘Dad, I Love You’ by Nao-Cola Yamazaki/ ‘Mambo’ by Hitomi Kanehara/ ‘Vortex’by Osamu Hashimoto/ ‘The Hut on the Roof’ by Hiromi Kawakami/ ‘An Elevator on Sunday’ by Shuichi Yoshida
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