■商品・内容 中古輸入盤CD 【Gilles Peterson & Norman Jay / Desert Island Mix】1997年発売
Gilles Peterson
1-1Mark MurphyDingwalls3:16
1-2Letta MbuluWhat's Wrong With Groovin2:48
1-3Pnu RiffComfy Club5:30
1-4Juryman Vs. SpacerSubmersible4:16
1-5Ballistic BrothersLove Supreme4:55
1-6BuscemiYves Eaux5:09
1-7JazzanovaFedime's Flight6:49
1-8Kevin YostOne Starry Night4:03
1-9Los Quatros DiablosCarnival Supreme1:29
1-10Roy Davis Jr. With Peven EverettGabrielle5:49
1-11BlazeMy Beat5:08
1-12Bel Air ProjectJazz With Altitude4:09
1-13Breakbeat EraBreakbeat Tera6:04
1-14Roni SizeIt's Jazzy3:50
1-15High PriestDisorientation3:44
1-16I:CubeDing Ding Ding0:44
1-17Smoke No BonesWondering4:33
1-18Rotary ConnectionI Am The Black Gold Of The Sun5:41
Norman Jay
2-1Carl Davis And The Chi Sound OrchestraWindy City Theme4:24
2-2Patti JoMake Me Believe In You6:16
2-3The Voices Of East HarlemWanted, Dead, Or Alive3:18
2-4Red Cloud & Digital HempAfro Latin Concrete2:46
2-5Family TreeFamily Tree (Disco Version)3:13
2-6Key-MaticBreakin' In Space5:34
2-7Most Wanted*Calm Down2:32
2-8Daryl Hall & John OatesManeater5:15
2-9B.T. ExpressIf It Don't Turn You On (You Oughta' Leave It Alone)5:26
2-10The Voices Of East HarlemLittle People3:13
2-11East Harlem Bus StopWatermelon Man5:37
2-12Anorak TraxJammin' Till The End Of Time7:07
2-13Giovanotti Mondani MeccaniciLove Supreme2:55
2-15Ballistic BrothersBlacker (Original Lick)3:49
2-16Denzil Dumpy RiceDe-Funky Dumpy1:51
2-17Truth All Stars*Truth Theme3:59
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