DISC ONE 01.Moving 02.The Saxophone Song 03.Room for the Life 04.Them Heavy People 05.The Man With the Child in His Eyes 06.Egypt 07.L'Amour Looks Something Like You 08.Violin 09.The Kick Inside 10.In the Warm Room 11.Fullhouse 12.Strange Phenomena 13.Hammer Horror 14.Kashka from Baghdad 15.Don't Push Your Foot On The Heartbrake 16.Wow 17.Coffee Homeground
DISC TWO 01.In Search of Peter Pan 02.Gymnopedie No1 / Symphony in Blue 03.Feel It 04.Kite 05.James and the Cold Gun 06.Oh England My Lionheart 07.Wuthering Heigths
Scene 78 Feb. 9, 1978 08. Kite 09. Wuthering Heights
Set Books March 19, 1978 10. Wuthering Heights (acapella excerpt)
Revolver May 21, 1978 11. Them Heavy People
Countdown Special June 1979 12. Them Heavy People 13. Strange Phenomena 14. Hammer Horror 15. James and the Cold Gun 16. Wuthering Heights
Winter Showtime December 22, 1979 17. December Will Be Magic Again
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