There are some minor scratches, but overall it is in good condition.
Returns and Exchanges
We do not normally accept these, so please contact us.
If you have any questions before bidding, please contact us. Please note: We will not accept bids from those who cannot contact us within one full day of the successful bid date or promptly contact us to confirm receipt of the item after it arrives.
如因下列事件引致運送過程中導致貨品毀損、延遲,Jumppoint 皆不負任何責任︰
i. 包裝不穩固或未作加強而引致有破裂、毀損;
ii. 貨品性質為易燃、爆炸、發霉、腐壞、變色等;
iii. 易碎物品沒有標貼上「易碎標籤」;
iv. 無法預知或不可抗力因素,如交通事故、惡劣天氣情況等引起之阻礙或延遲;
v. 收件人聯絡電話不正確或無效等等。