① 「The Time Out Book of Paris Short Stories/パリを描いた短編作品で余暇を楽しむ本」Nicholas Royle編 Penguin Books1999年発行 192頁+目次序14頁 $12.95 19.6×12.6×1.4cm 0.16㎏ paperback
(内容説明) A collection of stories, all featuring Paris as the backdrop. The list of contributors include writers from Britain, America and France.
② 「Paris Revealed:The Seacret Life of a City/素顔のパリ」Stephen Clarke著 Black Swan Book 2011年発行 365頁+目次序16頁 日本販価:1800円+税 17.5×11×2.5㎝ 0.21㎏ paperback
【裏表紙より】 PARIS - one of the most visited cities in the world. BUT do you know ... Which is the most romantic spot to say 'je't'aime'? And the sexiest? Where to see fantastic art, away from all the crowds? Why Parisian men feel compelled to pee in the street? How to choose a hotel room where you might actually get a good night's sleep? Stephen Clarke goes behind the scenes to reveal everything Parisians know about their city - but don't want to tell you.
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