英語「Wrong about Japan/日本について間違っていること」Peter Carey/ピーター・ケアリー著 Vintage 2006年発行 176頁 13x1.2x20.2cm 0.21㎏ Paperback
【裏表紙より内容紹介】When Peter Carey offered to take his son to Japan, 12-year-old Charley stipulated no temples or museums. He wanted to see manga, anime, and cool, weird stuff. His father said yes. Out of that bargain comes this enchanting tour of the mansion of Japanese culture, as entered through its garish, brightly lit back door. Guided?and at times judged?by an ineffably strange boy named Takashi, the Careys meet manga artists and anime directors, the meticulous impersonators called “visualists,” and solitary, nerdish otaku. Throughout, the Booker Prize-winning novelist makes observations that are intriguing even when?as his hosts keep politely reminding him?they turn out to be wrong. Funny, surprising, distinguished by its wonderfully nuanced portrait of a father and son thousands of miles from home, Wrong About Japan is a delight.
【Wikipediaより】Peter Philip Carey AO (born 7 May 1943) is an Australian novelist. Carey has won the Miles Franklin Award three times and is frequently named as Australia's next contender for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Carey is one of only four writers to have won the Booker Prize twice?the others being J. G. Farrell, J. M. Coetzee and Hilary Mantel. Carey won his first Booker Prize in 1988 for Oscar and Lucinda, and won for the second time in 2001 with True History of the Kelly Gang. In May 2008 he was nominated for the Best of the Booker Prize.
In addition to writing fiction, he collaborated on the screenplay of the film Until the End of the World with Wim Wenders and is executive director of the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program at Hunter College, part of the City University of New York.
【ウィキペディアより】ピーター・ケアリー(Peter Carey、1943年5月7日 - )は、オーストラリアの小説家。ビクトリア州バッカスマーシュ(Bacchus Marsh)に生まれた。モナシュ大学で有機化学と動物学を専攻。その後、メルボルンの広告代理店でコピーライターの仕事につき、1974年に短篇集『The Fat Man in History』で作家デビューした。 ブッカー賞を2度受賞したが、この賞を2度受賞したのは、彼と南アフリカ出身でノーベル文学賞を受賞したJ・M・クッツェー、ヒラリー・マンテルの3人だけである。受賞作品『オスカーとルシンダ』は、1997年に映画化されている。
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