【内容紹介】Keeping pets is a lovely idea. When building a family, they complement the kids. But what happens when things get out of hand? For writer and house husband, Matt Whyman, it's a case of catastrophe management in coping with four children and all the ill-advised animals amassed by his career wife, Emma. Just as Matt gets to grips with managing her two maxed out minipigs, she falls for a miniature Dachshund - the kind of dog he wouldn't be seen dead with. Hercules isn't big or clever, but Emma is determined. She'll do everything, she promises... From the author of Pig in the Middle
【hachetteより著者紹介】Matthew Whyman writes for numerous teenage magazines, from Sugar to Bliss and Just Seventeen, and is best known as the Agony Uncle for 19 Magazine. In this capacity he appears regularly on radio and television, and has advised the Chief Medical Officer on the Health of the Young Nation paper. He was also the author of a nationwide body awareness campaign for Radio One FM and the Health Education Authority.He lives in East London with his wife and three children.
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