Transformers. One familiar word that conjures up visions of giant robots, epic battles, and for comic book fans, a world of sentient machines that is often best represented by the capable hands of the many artists who have left their mark on the material over the past twenty-plus years. Celebrating their achievements, The Art of IDW’s Transformers collects the most memorable work from series such as Beast Wars, Generations, Infiltration, Spotlight, Escalation, Stormbringer, and Evolutions, and splits it up by artist to give an unprecedented look at the impact of talents like MD Bright, Don Figueroa, Guido Guidi, Bob LeFevre, Marcelo Matere, Ed McGuiness, Alex Milne, Robby Musso, James Raiz, Nick Roche, Rob Ruffolo, Klaus Scherwinski, E.J. Su, Andrew Wildman, and Ashley Wood have had on the Robots in Disguise.
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