修道院の什一献金 (十分の一献金):その起源から12世紀まで
『Monastic tithes : from their origins to the twelfth century』
Giles Constable (中世史学者 ジャイルズ・コンスタブル) 著
The University Press (大学出版局) 刊
xxi, 346 p 24 cm ハードカバー ISBN:なし
●シリーズ名:Cambridge studies in medieval life and thought
/ edited by G.G. Coulton, new ser., vol. 10
Part I. Tithes in the Early Middle Ages
・1. The Christian theory of tithes
・2. The early practice of tithing
・3. Carolingian legislation on tithes
Part II. Monastic possession of tithes:
・4. From the seventh to the eleventh century
・5. The policy of the reformed papacy
・6. Monastic possession of tithes in the twelfth century
・7. Opposition to monastic possession of tithes
・8. The defence of monastic possession of tithes
・9. The end of the opposition
Part III. Monastic Payment of tithes:
・1. Monastic payment of tithes before the twelfth century
・2. The growth of monastic freedom from tithes in the first half of the twelfth century
・3. The crisis of monastic freedom from tithes.
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