【英語・ロシア語洋書 / 全2冊揃い / 付図あり】
ロシア, モンゴル, 中国:
17世紀初頭からモスクワ大公 アレクセイ・ミハイロヴィチの死 (1602 -1676) までの対外記録
『Russia, Mongolia, China :
being some record of the relations between them from the beginning of the XVIIth century
to the death of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich A.D. 1602-1676;
rendered mainly in the form of narrative dictated or written by the envoys sent by the Russian tsars,
or their voevodas in Siberia to the Kalmyk and Mongol khans & princes;
and to the emperors of China; with introductions, historical and geographical,
also a series of maps showing the progress of geographical knowledge in regard to northern Asia
during the XVIth, XVIIth, & early XVIIIth centuries :
the texts taken more especially from manuscripts in the Moskow Foreign Office Archives』
v. 1-2
1960年代発行 (推定)
the whole by John F. Baddeley (旅行家 ジョン・F・バデリー)
Burt Franklin 刊
2冊 (1: ccclxv p、2: xii, 445 p) 35 cm ハードカバー ISBN:なし
●シリーズ名:Burt Franklin research & source works series, 60
●背のタイトル:Russia, Mongolia, China in the XVIth, XVIIth & early XVIIIth centuries
(16世紀, 17世紀, 18世紀初頭のロシア, モンゴル, 中国)
●Includes Russian texts
●Part of illustrative matter in pocket
●Reprint. Originally published: New York : B. Franklin, 1919
・A portion of the Kien Lung Map, 1760 (坤輿全図の一部)
・Genelogical tables of the Mongol Princes, A-I (モンゴル王系図)
●ジョン・F・バデリー (1854-1940)
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