現在はテキサス州ヒューストンにあるキリスト教会、THE CHURCH OF THE LORD JESUS CHRISTの牧師である。
【Disc 1】
George Foreman vs Albert Wilson (AMA)
George Foreman vs Ionas Chepulis (Olympics)
George Foreman vs Don Waldheim
George Foreman vs Bob Hazelton
George Foreman vs James J Woody
George Foreman vs George Chuvalo
George Foreman vs Boone Kirkman
George Foreman vs Gregorio Peralta
【Disc 2】
George Foreman vs Luis Faustino Pires
George Foreman vs Ted Gullick
George Foreman vs Miguel Angel Paez
George Foreman vs Joe Frazier 1
George Foreman vs Jose Roman
George Foreman vs Ken Norton
【Disc 3】
George Foreman vs Muhammad Ali
George Foreman vs 5 men in Toronto (Exhibition)
【Disc 4】
George Foreman vs Jodi Ballard (Exhibition)
George Foreman vs Ron Lyle
George Foreman vs Joe Frazier 2
George Foreman vs Scott LeDoux
【Disc 5】
George Foreman vs Jimmy Young
George Foreman vs Rocky Sekorski
George Foreman vs Dwight Muhammad Qawi
George Foreman vs Mark Young
【Disc 6】
George Foreman vs Bert Cooper
George Foreman vs Everett Martin
George Foreman vs Gerry Cooney
George Foreman vs Mike Jameson
George Foreman vs Adilson Rodrigues
George Foreman vs Ken Lakusta
George Foreman vs Terry Anderson
【Disc 7】
George Foreman vs Evander Holyfield
George Foreman vs Jimmy Ellis
【Disc 8】
George Foreman vs Alex Stewart
George Foreman vs Pierre Coetzer
【Disc 9】
George Foreman vs Tommy Morrison
George Foreman vs Michael Moorer
【Disc 10】
George Foreman vs Axel Schulz
George Foreman vs Crawford Grimsley
【Disc 11】
George Foreman vs Lou Savarese
George Foreman vs Shannon Briggs
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