1. Goin' Back (Going Back Home) - Big Joe Williams
2. Baby Left Town - Big Joe Williams
3. Every Woman I Know - Billy "The Kid" Emerson
4. Don't Be Careless - Billy "The Kid" Emerson
5. Comeback, The - Memphis Slim
6. Steppin' Out - Memphis Slim
7. Someone to Love Me - Snooky Pryor (alternate take)
8. You Tried to Ruin Me - Snooky Pryor
9. Oh Baby - J.B. Lenoir
10. Blue Evening - L.C. McKinley
11. I'm So Satisfied - L.C. McKinley
12. Gotta Find My Baby - Memphis Slim
13. Messin' Around - Memphis Slim
14. Kissing at Midnight - Billy Boy Arnold
15. Don't Stay Out All Night - Billy Boy Arnold
16. School Days - Floyd Jones
17. Ain't Times Hard - Floyd Jones
18. Tomorrow Never Comes - Billy "The Kid" Emerson
19. Don't Start Me Lyin' - Billy "The Kid" Emerson
20. If You Won't Stay Home - Billy "The Kid" Emerson
21. Blue and Lonesome - Memphis Slim
22. Slim's Blues - Memphis Slim
23. Going by the River, Pt. 1 - Jimmy Reed (part 1)
24. Going by the River, Pt. 2 - Jimmy Reed (part 2)
25. You'll Always Have a Home - Eddie Taylor
1. King's Highway - Big Joe Williams
2. Eula Mae - Big Joe Williams
3. You Never Miss Your Water - Billy "The Kid" Emerson
4. Somebody Show Me - Billy "The Kid" Emerson
5. Mother Earth - Memphis Slim
6. Wish Me Well - Memphis Slim
7. No More Doggin' - Rosco Gordon
8. Just a Little Bit - Rosco Gordon
9. Down with It - L.C. McKinley
10. Lonely - L.C. McKinley
11. Lend Me Your Love - Memphis Slim
12. Sassy Mae - Memphis Slim
13. Here's My Picture - Billy Boy Arnold
14. Prisoner's Plea - Billy Boy Arnold
15. Judgement Day - Snooky Pryor (alternate take)
16. Floyd's Blues - Floyd Jones
17. Any Old Lonesome Day - Floyd Jones
18. Pleasure Is All Mine, The - Billy "The Kid" Emerson
19. Do Yourself a Favor - Billy "The Kid" Emerson
20. Do the Chicken - Billy "The Kid" Emerson
21. Rockin' the House (Beer Drinkin' Woman) - Memphis Slim
22. My Gal Keeps Me Crying - Memphis Slim
23. Wheel and Deal - John Lee Hooker
24. Crawlin' Black Spider - John Lee Hooker
25. Ride 'Em on Down - Eddie Taylor
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