洋書 The Joy of Decorating: Southern Style with Mrs. Howard インテリアの愉しみ サザンスタイル 大型本 中古本
Phoebe Howard, known affectionately as Mrs. Howard to her clients, has a penchant for creating stylish spaces,
which has evolved into her own critically acclaimed brand of interior design.
Mrs. Howard&;s first book features several of her largest design projects and addresses the most common decorating
issues and questions her clients and customers ask.
The book&;s design projects are organized by theme: Inviting, Inspiring, Timeless, Graceful, Tranquil, Casual,
and Comfortable&;all words that have been used to describe Mrs. Howard&;s work and ones that illustrate the many
different ways she strives to make her houses look and feel. Cowritten with well-known Southern writer Susan Sully, this gorgeous book epitomizes the grace and elegance of
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