『Groove (Music From And Inspired By The Motion Picture)』のユースドCD(輸入盤)です。 概ね状態良好ですが、ユースドですので神経質な方は入札をお控え下さい。 【収録内容】 1 "No Obstacles, Only Challenges" 2 Girls Like Us - B-15 Project Featuring Crissy D & Lady G 3 Champagne Beat Boogie - Boozy & Swan 4 You're The Lucky Ones - Baby D Love 5 Duke's Up (Joshua's Dubwise Mix) - W 6 20 Minutes of Disco Glory (Simon's Come-Unity Mix) - DJ Garth & E.T.I. 7 Perpetual - Christian Smith & E.B.E. Present Timeline 8 Halycon - Orbital 9 Anomaly (Calling Your Name) - Taylor 10 Heaven Scent - John Digweed 11 Beachcoma - Hybrid 12 Protocol - Symbiosis 13 "Wanna Go To The Endup?" 14 Infinitely Gentle Blows (Scott Hardkiss' Aural Hallucination Mix) - Alter)Ring
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