Vinyl 1 Side A:
The Magnificent Seven
Hitsville U.K.
Junco Partner
Ivan Meets G.I. Joe
The Leader
Something About England
Rebel Waltz
Vinyl 1 Side B:
Look Here
The Crooked Beat
Somebody Got Murdered
One More Time
One More Dub
Vinyl 2 Side A:
Lightning Strikes (Not Once but Twice)
Up In Heaven (Not Only Here)
Corner Soul
Let's Go Crazy
If Music Could Talk
The Sound of Sinners
Vinyl 2 Side B:
Police On My Back
Midnight Log
The Equaliser
The Call Up
Washington Bullets
Vinyl 3 Side A:
Lose This Skin
Charlie Don't Surf
Mensforth Hill
Junkie Slip
Kingston Advice
The Street Parade
Vinyl 3 Side B:
Version City
Living In Fame
Silicone On Sapphire
Version Pardner
Career Opportunities
Shepherds Delight
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