英語科学「Playingt Safe:Science and the Environment(Serie:Prospects for Tomorrow) /安全を期す:科学と環境」Jonathon Porritt/ジョナサン・ポリット著 Thames & Hudson 2000年発行 143頁 £6.95 0.27㎏ 21.3×13.7×1.5㎝ Paperback
【内容紹介】Scientists and key scientific disciplines are at the very heart of the debate about sustainable development. With particular reference to climate change, genetic engineering, and toxic chemicals, Jonathon Porritt's provocative dissection of the risks and benefits of scientific advance is essential reading, not only for scientists and environmentalists but also for everyone concerned about our future world.
【著者紹介】Jonathon Porritt, one of the most influential environmentalists in Britain over the last quarter-century, was Director of Friends of the Earth from 1984 to 1990. He has published many books, including Seeing Green and Save the Earth. He is Founder and Director of Forum for the Future, which since 1996 has campaigned for solutions to environmental problems.
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