1. Main Title Sequence/Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls
(vocals by the sandpipers)
2. Find It
3. Come With The Gentle People
(1st version)
4. Dinner Party
5. Girl From The City
(the strawberry alarm clock)
6. I’m Comin’ Home
(the strawberry alarm clock)
7. Ampersand
8. Sweet Talking Candyman
(1st version)
9. In The Long Run
10. Back Stage
11. Hang Cool Teddybear!
12. Late Night Visit
13. Look On Up At The Bottom
(1st version)
14. Find It
(vocal by lynn carey & barbara robinson)
15. Randy Throws In The Towel
16. I Need You So Very Much /Checkmate Let The Games Begin!
18. Methinks You Remind Me Of Certain Things…
19. I Am Superwoman!
20. Murder On The Beach
21. Gun Stroke
22. Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls Theme
( vocal by the sandpipers)
23. Sweet Talkin’ Candy Man
(vocal by lynn carey & barbara robinson)
24. Come With The Gentle People
(vocal by lynn carey & barbara robinson)
25. Look On Up At The Bottom
(vocal by lynn carey & barbara robinson)
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