●パーソネル Peggy Connelly(vo) Russell Garcia(cond) Pete Candoli, Stu Williamson(tp) Russ Cheever(ss) Bill Holman(ts) Charlie Mariano(as) Jimmy Giuffre(bs) Al Hendrickson(g) Max Bennett(b) Stan Levey(ds) Recorded on January 16, 17 and 18, 1956, in Hollywood, California.
★SIDE 1★ 1. That Old Black Magic 2. Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye 3. Trav'lin' Light 4. Ev'ry Time 5. It Never Entered My Mind 6. Why Shouldn't I
★SIDE 2★ 1. Gentleman Friend 2. What Is There To Say 3. He Was Too Good To Me 4. I Got Plenty O'Nuttin' 5. Fools Rush In 6. Alone Together
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