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新古品 英語版 ゲームソフト 各種 ウインドウズ3.1, 95, DOS.
English Game Software - DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95
Price for 1 pce. Please choose 1 of them.
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1. 3D ANIMANIA CD-ROM MS-DOS, over 200 3d graphic FLI files, Powersource Inc.
2. CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING VOL.I, Require video for Windows, Powersource, Inc.
3. CLASIC CARTOONS Jack & Beanstalk, Powersource
4. The Collection of CLASSIC CARTOONS Volumn 1, One hour digital video 1994 Rainbow Technology, Windows 3.0以降
5. MERRIAM-WEBSTER'S dictionary for kids, A Fantastic Playable Dictionary, ages 8-12
6. DRAGON'S LAIR CD-ROM, IBM PC CD-ROM, IBM PC および互換, 386以上, 4MB ram
7. FIREFIGHTER!, My Favorite Monster, 45 minutes of action video, kids 4-10
8. KINGDOM Triple Pack Bundle, Book One, The Far Reaches
9. Litit Divil / Day of the Tentacle, IBM CD-Romまたは互換
10. Morgan's Trivia Machine, CD-ROM for Windows and Macintosh, age 7 to 14 (also adults), 1-or 2 players
11. NOCTROPOLIS, The Final Issue is Evil, Flashpoint Productions, Inc
12. DON BLUTH'S SPACE ACE CD-ROM, 386以上, ages 6+ kids to adults
写真にある以下のモデルは売り切れました缺貨中 。
SPACE QUEST IV Roger Wilco And The Time Rippers
Junior Adventures, Putt-Putt's Fun Pack, for IBM PC&互換
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