【Disc1】 ├─ 01-Jump Up! (1982) ├─ 02-Too Low For Zero (1983) ├─ 03-Breaking Hearts (1984) ├─ 04-Ice On Fire (1985) ├─ 05-Leather Jackets (1986) ├─ 06-Live In Australia (1987) ├─ 07-Reg Strikes Back (1988) ├─ 08-Sleeping With The Past (1989) └─ 09-Duets (1993)
ELTON JOHN CD4 1992-2001
【Disc2】 ├─ 01-The One (1992) ├─ 02-Made In England (1995) ├─ 03-The Lion King (Soundtrack) (selected) (1994) ├─ 04-Love Songs (1995) ├─ 05-The Big Picture (1997) ├─ 06-The Muse (Soundtrack) (1999) ├─ 07-Aida (1999) ├─ 08-The Road To El Dorado (Soundtrack) (2000) └─ 09-Songs From The West Coast (2001)
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