■収録予定 LP ONE SIDE A ? ALBUM REMASTERED 1.My name is Jonas 2.No one else 3.The World has turned and left me here 4.Buddy Holly 5.Undone ? the Sweater song 6.Surf Wax America
LP ONE SIDE B ? ALBUM REMASTERED 1.Say it ain’t so 2.In the garage 3.Holiday 4.Only in dreamsLP TWO SIDE A ? THE KITCHEN TAPE DEMOS 1.Say it ain’t so - Previously unreleased 2.The World has turned and left me here - Previously unreleased 3.Paperface 4.Undone ? the Sweater song LP TWO SIDE B ? THE KITCHEN TAPE DEMOS 1.Thief, You’ve taken all that was me - Previously unreleased 2.My name is Jonas - Previously unreleased 3.Let’s sew our pants together - Previously unreleased 4.Only in dreams
LP THREE SIDE A ? THE EARLY RECORDINGS 1.I can’t forget this way (Third Practice) - Previously unreleased 2.Undone ? the Sweater song (Third Practice) - Previously unreleased 3.The World has turned and left me here (Third Practice) - Previously unreleased 4.Windows down (Garage Practice) - Previously unreleased 5.My name is Jonas (Garage Practice)- Previously unreleased
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