◆DIS(O&J) 004
1. Blatherskite - Mirror, Mirror
2. C.O.S.A (EFFIGY) - Where There Is No Imagination, There Is No Horror
3. Last Call - The Seed
4. PUS - East Of Sanity
5. M.T.A - Repeat The Cliche
6. C.F.D.L - Against Violence
7. Chronicore - Petite Sophie
8. Rat Patrol - TVC
9. Ivich - Si J'tais Libre
10. Battle Of Disarm - Cost Of Nature
11. Slashing Death - SK-8 Song
12.1Mexican Power Authority - Konichi-wa
12.2Mexican Power Authority - Hesherhenge
12.3Mexican Power Authority - Nocturne #28
12.4Mexican Power Authority - Frantic Gesticulations
12.5Mexican Power Authority - Hyperspace
13. Down & Out - Neighbours
14. Couch Potatoes - Another
15. Older Than Dirt - Different
16. D.E.Z - Free
17. Disgrace - Lucifers In 13th Friday Night
18. Pink Flamingos - Alter
19. Pink Flamingos - Afrika
20. Senseless Apocalypse - 12 Songs
21. Discordance Axis - Empire / The Kill
The Kill by Napalm Death
22. Malicious Hate - Devouring The World
23. Vivisection - Combative Instinct
24. 24Ideas - Lie
25. Scald - Force The Farce
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