英語/工芸「Flea Market Jewelry:New Style from Old Treasures/蚤の市のジュエリー」Binky Morgan/ビンキー・モーガン著 Sterling/Chapelle Book 2003年 2003年発行 US$14.95 25.3×21.5×1㎝ 0.49㎏ Paperback
【内容紹介】Give vintage jewelry new life as contemporary jewelry, unique home accents, and other accessories. 30 beautifully photographed projects promise the never-ending potential of transforming flea market finds and treasures from your own jewelry box into one-of-a-kind works of art. Turn beaded and rhinestone belt buckles into fabulous miniature picture frames. A brooch and a necklace can become an eye-catching picture hanger. Add interest to a room with a spectacular beaded curtain. Revel in the compliments you'll receive when you wear "new" necklaces, bracelets, brooches, and earrings made from other pieces. Make ornaments, candleholders, hair pins, wind chimes, handbags, and more. You'll never look at a lone earring, a broken clasp, or grandmother's old jewelry the same way again!
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