01. When The Stars Refuse To Shine (recorded In 2000, Acoustic, Quiet, Violin Blues) 02. In The East (live Cd From Philly&nyc Feb 2000 Sad Slow Jams With Lovetta) 03. Finer Twilights (live Detroit 96 Height Of The Jam Era. Rec'd By Davn, Mx'd By Chad) 04. Golden City (live Sf, Fort Lake Tour 98 With Lovetta, Deb, Erika, Chad, An Warn. Hi Fi) 05. In The West (live Sf, Love/war Tour 2000 Lovetta+warn+ida=acoustic Jazz+blues) 06. Early Music (1985-1990 Pre Livonia Pre 4ad Hnia Tapes Plus Bonus) 07. Remixes (1995-2000 We Forgot To Release These!! Aube, Persona, Dj On, Dubs Plus) 08. Emergency Lp (long Lost Jinx Album Finally Sees Light Of Day) 09. Rare Tracks In The Snow (7"s, B-sides, Compilations+bonus) 10. Ten Years Long Time (warn Brought His Studio To The Concert, November 18th, Steve King Rec'd)
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