パトリック・マッグーハン監督・主演のイギリスTVシリーズ「プリズナーNO.6 The Prisoner」のオリジナル・サウンドトラック。輸入盤(Silva Screen)・新品未開封。シールド無し。廃盤。送料は、スマートレターで210円、追跡可能なレターパックライトで430円。収録曲は、次のとおり。
1.Main Titles (Arrival)
2.What's The Name Of This Place (dialogue)
3.Cottage Maid Is Seen
4.Band Appears (Radetski march/Strauss)
5.I Suppose You're Wondering What You're Doing Here (dialogue)
6.Number 6 In The Cottage
7.Band Concert
8.Afternoon Concert
9.I Will Not Make Any Deals With You (dialogue)
10.Helicopter Escape Bid
11.Subject Shows Great Enthusiasm (dialogue)
12.Unused Title Theme (The Chimes Of Big Ben)
13.I Am Not A Number (dialogue)
14.Number 6 Hates The Tune
15.Night Time Drink
16.Do You Still Think You Can Escape Number 6 (dialogue)
17.Number 8 Swims Off (also used in Checkmate)
18.Number 6 Chops Down The Tree (also used in Many Happy Returns)
19.Village Curfew (also used in A B And C)
20.There Are Some People Who Talk (dialogue)
21.Exhibition Hall
22.Dinghy Casts Off
23.Village Is A Place Where People Turn Up (dialogue)
24.Crate Journey
25.Back To The Cottage
26.Engadine's Party (A B And C)
27.Number 6 Dances With B
28.Number 6 Is Drugged
29.Dreamy Party
30.End Titles
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