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★第8世代 i7 搭載 Microsoft Surface Pro 6 /Core i7-8650U/16GB/512GB NVMe/Windows 11 Pro/未使用 Surfaceタイプカバー+タッチペン付き

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    2*0*d*** / 評価:77
  • 開始時間
    2024年12月03日 09時31分(香港時間)
  • 結束時間
    2024年12月08日 14時41分(香港時間)
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★Microsoft Surface Pro 6 with 8th generation i7 /Core i7-8650U/16GB/512GB NVMe/Windows 11 Pro/Unused Surface Type Cover + Stylus included
Product DescriptionThank you for visiting.
Please read our self-introduction, product description, and notes before bidding.

[Product Specifications]
Manufacturer:  Microsoft
Model:  Surface Pro 6
CPU:  Intel Core i7-8650U 1.9GHz Number of cores: 4 cores / 8 threads
Memory:  16GB
Storage:  SSD 512GB (NVMe)
Display:  2736x1824
Optical drive:  None
Video output terminal:  Mini DisplayPort
Keyboard:  Surface Pro Type Cover Model 1755
Touch pen:  Surface Pen Model 1776
Communication:  Wired LAN: None, Wireless LAN: Yes
OS:  Windows 11 Pro (Licensed)
Accessories:  Power cable

[Product condition description]

● This is a used item. There are some small scratches and dirt due to use, but there are no major problems with the function.
● Operation has been confirmed.
● Please check the photos for the specific condition. Everything shown in the photo is included.
● The OS has been installed. There is also no recovery area in the storage.
● Charging was confirmed, but the battery is a consumable item and is not covered by the warranty.
●An unused Surface Type Cover and stylus are included.
NotesPlease read the following carefully and only bid if you understand and agree to the following.

About the product:
◎Please read the photos and product description.
◎All products have been cleaned and disinfected, but used products may have minor scratches and dirt due to use. We will check and describe the condition of the product as much as possible, but please refrain from bidding if you are nervous.
◎Please understand that the "performance and specifications" described in the product description are only for reference.
We do not guarantee the contents.

About business hours:
◎Business hours: Weekdays 10:00-16:00 *We strive to ship and reply as soon as possible.
◎Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays *If you have any questions or if you have won the bid, we will ship the item after the holidays.

About transactions:
◎Cancellation after winning the bid is basically not possible, so please read and understand each matter before bidding.
◎After winning the bid, please process the transaction within 48 hours using "Transaction Navi".
*If the transaction is not processed, we may cancel
the transaction due to the buyer's convenience. ◎If you do not pay within the easy payment deadline, we will cancel the transaction due to the buyer's convenience.
*In the case of auctions, we do not advance the next bidder.
◎If you win multiple bids, they will be shipped individually as they cannot be bundled in principle. Please note that even if you make a bulk purchase, the shipping fee will be added together.

About the warranty:
◎We guarantee the operation confirmation status, condition, and accessories listed. *We do not guarantee operation other than that listed.
*Depending on the product, not all operations can be confirmed.
◎There is a 7-day warranty period after the product arrives. Please check the operation as soon as you receive the product.
*Please note that we cannot provide a free warranty after the warranty period has expired.
◎Please note that we cannot guarantee if parts are replaced or settings are changed.
◎If there is a defect in the description, return the product by cash on delivery → We will check the situation → Refund (winning bid amount and shipping fee)

◎As a general rule, we do not provide evaluations. If you need an evaluation, or if you do not need one, please let us know in the transaction message first.
◎If the product is damaged due to a shipping accident, the shipping company will guarantee the product price, so please contact the shipping company from the winning bidder.
◎A receipt can be issued. We apologize for the inconvenience, but after making a successful bid, please specify the "name" and "notes" in the transaction message and let us know.
◎If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much.
Shipping detailsSagawa Express
[Hokkaido] 1730 yen (Hokkaido)
[Northern Tohoku] 1340 yen
(Aomori, Iwate, Akita) [Southern Tohoku] 1220 yen (Yamagata, Miyagi, Fukushima)
[Kanto] 1220 yen (Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa,
Yamanashi, Niigata, Nagano) [Chubu] 1220 yen (Shizuoka, Aichi, Gifu, Mie, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui)
[Kansai] 1340 yen (Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama) [Chugoku] 1470 yen ( Tottori, Okayama, Shimane, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi) [Shikoku] 1590 yen (Kagawa, Tokushima, Ehime, Kochi) [Kyushu] 1730 yen (Fukuoka
, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto , Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima)

payment methodYahoo! Easy Payment
This product guide was created by " ■@Sokubaikun5.80■ ".

We have other items on sale so please take a look if you're interested.

原始賣家所有回覆 (質問合計:件)
商品金額 日圓
預估當地運費 日圓
商品預測測量表 kg(商品預測重量表)


  • 以實際重量跟體積重量作比較, 以較大者為計費重量
  • 體積重量(KG) = 長度(L) (cm) X 闊度(W) (cm) X 高度(H) (cm) / 5000
  • 常見體積重商品:傢俬、釣竿、車材…
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    商品名稱 : ★第8世代 i7 搭載 Microsoft Surface Pro 6 /Core i7-8650U/16GB/512GB NVMe/Windows 11 Pro/未使用 Surfaceタイプカバー+タッチペン付き
    備註 :
    類別 Windows
    客服時間:星期一至五 10:00-22:00   星期六至日13:00-22:00
    自取時間:星期一至六 11:00-13:00,14:00-20:00 星期日及公眾假期休息
    客服專線: (852) 3468 8168 Whatsapp 線上客服
    關注我們: Facebook Facebook Instagram Instagram