案内は[They turn a patio or deck into a lush, leafy paradise; allow plants that need different soils to grow side-by-side; and enable even the most tender greenery and flowers to flourish all year long. Containers make it possible to have a garden anywhere, and add visual and sensual interest to every site, from small terraces to rolling acres of land. These gloriously multihued and richly varied options, all shown in hundreds of splendid color photos, will surely seduce any gardener: there are pots and tubs, some covered with moss; decorative window and balcony boxes; hanging baskets, dripping with blooms; large troughs and sinks, filled with alpines; and even unexpected containers shaped like ducks or statues. Techniques cover design principles, as well as everything needed to keep the plants healthy. Bonus: an illustrated directory of the most successful plants for containers!]です。
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