尚、余談ですが仏マジックレコードには、イエ・イエ時代の女性アイドルCD「SIXTIES GIRLS」シリーズやフランスのビートルズ・トリビュートCD「LA FRANCE ET LES BEATLES」シリーズなど興味深いメニューがいっぱいです!日本では入手絶望的なマリー・ラフォレやアダモのオリジナル・アルバムもここならではのラインナップです。
[Free Shipping] French 60's SP collection [SIXTIES YEARS VOLUME 5] 22 songs total Omnibus Keith Relf, Idle Lace, Tremeloes V.A. CD released in 1997 Magic Records, France
[Free shipping] I am offering an omnibus album of 60's groups and singers released by French Magic Records. This is not a rental copy.
● [SIXTIES YEARS VOLUME 5 / [SIXTIES YEARS VOLUME 5] 22 songs total 177022 CD released in 1997 French edition [Paper jacket specification]
*Please see image 2 for detailed artist names and song titles.
French Magic Records has released many artists from the 60's, not just from their own country of France, but also from the US and UK, and this omnibus series is one of them. Is it a random release of 60's music, such as the Hollies from the UK and The Grass Roots from the US? Since they have released many albums, this omnibus album contains a mix of American and British artists. "Idol Race", "Love Affair" and "The Tremeloes" are well-known, but I have not heard of the other artists. I wonder if it is a French choice to include rare groups. I bought it because the A/B side included the 1966 solo single by Keith Relf, the vocalist of the Yardbirds.
As an aside, French Magic Records has a lot of interesting menus, such as the "SIXTIES GIRLS" series of female idol CDs from the Ye-Ye era and the "LA FRANCE ET LES BEATLES" series of French Beatles tribute CDs! The lineup here also includes original albums by Marie Lafort and Adamo, which are impossible to obtain in Japan.
It has been carefully stored, and since it is a paper jacket, there is some yellowing due to age, but the surface is clean. It has been stored for a long time, so please refrain from purchasing if you are sensitive about such things. No claims or returns please. We will do our best to ship quickly.
如因下列事件引致運送過程中導致貨品毀損、延遲,Jumppoint 皆不負任何責任︰
i. 包裝不穩固或未作加強而引致有破裂、毀損;
ii. 貨品性質為易燃、爆炸、發霉、腐壞、變色等;
iii. 易碎物品沒有標貼上「易碎標籤」;
iv. 無法預知或不可抗力因素,如交通事故、惡劣天氣情況等引起之阻礙或延遲;
v. 收件人聯絡電話不正確或無效等等。