英語政治経済「Development & Underdevelopment:Political Economy of Inequality 開発と低開発:不平等の政治経済学」Mitchell A.Seligson & Jhon T Passe-Smith共編 Lynne Rienner Publisher 1993年初版発行 目次他15頁+456頁 0.64㎏ 22.9×15.3×2.5㎝ Paperback
【内容紹介】Why have some countries succeeded at the task of economic development, while others have failed dismally? Designed to address this question - to explain the persistence and even widening of the gap between both rich and poor countries, and rich and poor within poor countries - this anthology draws upon classic as well as current literature. Students should find conventional explanations based on theories of modernisation and culture, revisionist explanations focusing on dependency and world-systems analysis, and the most recent literature on rent-seeking, markets and states. Empirical evidence evaluates the success of the contending theories presented; case studies are also included. The final chapter draws conclusions about where development theory has been and where it is going.
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