【Disc1】 ├─ 1985 - Depraved to Black (EP, as Avenger) ├─ 1985 - Prayers of Steel (as Avenger) ├─ 1986 - Reign of Fear ├─ 1987 - Execution Guaranteed ├─ 1988 - Perfect Man ├─ 1989 - Secrets in a Weird World ├─ 1990 - Reflections of a Shadow ├─ 1991 - Extended Power (EP) └─ 1992 - Beyond the Wall (EP)
【Disc2】 ├─ 1992 - Trapped ├─ 1993 - Refuge (EP) ├─ 1993 - The Missing Link ├─ 1994 - 10 Years in Rage ├─ 1995 - Black in Mind ├─ 1996 - Higher than the Sky (EP) ├─ 1996(1) - Lingua Mortis ├─ 1996(2) - End of All Days ├─ 1997 - Live From the Vault (EP) └─ 1998 - In Vain - Rage in Acoustic (EP)
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