ザ・ビーチ・ボーイズ - Live At The Spectrum 1980 - The Beach Boys
DISC 1 : 1. California Girls/02. Sloop John B/03. Darlin'/04. School Days/05. In My Room/06. Do It Again/07. Little Deuce Coupe/08. Keepin' The Summer Alive/09. God Only Knows/10. Good Timin'/11. Some Of Your Love/12. Surfer Girl/13. Goin' On/14. Be True To Your School/15. Catch A Wave/16. Livin' With A Heartache/17. Lady Lynda/18. Disney Girls
DISC 2 : 01. Long Tall Texan/02. Help Me Rhonda/03. Wouldn't It Be Nice/04. Rock And Roll Music/05. I Get Around/06. Surfin' USA/07. Good Vibrations/08. Barbara Ann/09. Fun Fun Fun
[The Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA USA April 18th 1980]
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