1. Life Is A Chain Of Games
2. Eternity Form
3. Reveal
4. Stick & Hole
5. Blast In Hell
6. Break The Brain
7. Blutes
8. Gimmie Lies
9. Going My Way
1. Black Lie
2. Mirror
3. Fool, Fool, Fool
4. Mass Media's Pets
5. Stick & Hole
6. Cry For The Truth
7. Act For Self
8. Brave It Out
9. Never Give Up The Fight
Tracks A1-A4 Hang The Sucker Vol.2
Tracks A5-A9 Game Of Death
Tracks B1-B4 Eye Of The Thrash Guerrilla
Track B5 Smashing Odds Ness!!
Tracks B6-B9 Starving Dog Eats Master
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