洋書英語「The Red Earth of Alabama/アラバマの赤い大地」Michiro Naito著 2004年12月21日初版 AuthorHouth発行 188頁22.9×15.3×1.3cm 0.31kg paperback
(裏表紙より) Moeling, Alabama. This small town in the South is suddenly attracting attention. A powerful Japanese concern, Zatech, is going to build a new state-of-the-art factory there. That is why. But if you look closer, you will find Koji Suda, a private investigator from Japan, in hot pursuit of a missing Japanese businessman. Free trade versus protectionism. The new versus the old. Japan versus the South. Aided by an attractive police officer, Vicky Royce, Suda uncovers a well-conceived criminal scheme that will shake up the very foundation of the mighty Zatech.
(About the Author) Michiro Naito, a winner of the 2002 Columbine Award in the Moondance International Film Festival, was born in Tokyo, Japan, as a son of a private investigator. He holds a Ph.D. degree in nuclear physics and currently works for a major U.S. investment firm as an equity derivative strategist specializing in Japanese equities. His previous works include novels, Project Kaisei and Mendiola. (This text refers to the Paperback edition.)
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