1. Frozen Heart Cast - Frozen 1:45
2. Do You Want to Build a Snowman? Katie Lopez 3:26
3. For the First Time in ForeverKristen Bell 3:44
4. Love Is an Open DoorKristen Bell 2:04
5. Let It GoIdina Menzel 3:43
6. Reindeer(s) Are Better Than PeopleJonathan Groff0:50
7. In SummerJosh Gad 1:50
8. For the First Time in Forever (Reprise)Kristen Bell 2:29
9. Fixer UpperCast - Frozen 3:02
10. Let It GoDemi Lovato 3:44
11. Vuelie [feat. Cantus]Christophe Beck 1:35
12. Elsa and AnnaChristophe Beck 2:43
13. The TrollsChristophe Beck 1:47
14. Coronation DayChristophe Beck 1:14
15. Heimr ÀrnadalrChristophe Beck 1:25
16. Winter's WaltzChristophe Beck0:58
17. SorceryChristophe Beck 3:15
18. Royal PursuitChristophe Beck 1:02
19. Onward and UpwardChristophe Beck 1:53
20. WolvesChristophe Beck 1:44
21. The North MountainChristophe Beck 1:32
22. We Were So CloseChristophe Beck 1:53
23. Marshmallow Attack!Christophe Beck 1:42
24. Conceal, Don't FeelChristophe Beck 1:07
25. Only An Act of True LoveChristophe Beck 1:05
26. Summit SiegeChristophe Beck 2:32
27. Return to ArendelleChristophe Beck 1:36
28. TreasonChristophe Beck 1:34
29. Some People Are Worth Melting ForChristophe Beck 2:05
30. WhiteoutChristophe Beck 4:15
31. The Great Thaw (Vuelie Reprise)Christophe Beck 2:28
32. EpilogueChristophe Beck 3:05
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