Laidback Luke『Focus』のユースドCD(輸入盤)です。 概ね状態良好ですが、ユースドですので神経質な方は入札をお控え下さい。 【収録内容】 01. Intro - Laidback Luke 02. Let It Go - Laidback Luke Feat Trevor Guthrie 03. The Chase - Laidback Luke and Gta Feat Aruna 04. Hooked Again - Laidback Luke Feat Sam Ashworth 05. Killasound - Laidback Luke 06. Won't Break This Feeling Down - Laidback Luke Feat Luciano Martina 07. Never Forget - Laidback Luke Feat More and Killa Karma 08. We Party - Laidback Luke and Dod 09. Tell Me That You Love Me - Laidback Luke and Marc Benjamin Feat Cimo Frankel 10. Scandinavia - Laidback Luke 11. Neon Sunrise - Laidback Luke and Benny Benassi Feat Amba Shepherd 12. The Rut - Laidback Luke 13. Never Rave Again - Laidback Luke Feat Harrison 14. Mic - Laidback Luke and Yellow Claw and Dirtcaps 15. Fantasizing - Laidback Luke Feat Natalia Isabella 16. Wudang - Laidback Luke 17. Don't Hesitate - Laidback Luke Feat Mangal Suvarnan
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