英語料理「Get Started Baking(Learn Something New)/ケーキ.・パンのベーキング入門(新しいことを習おうシリーズ)」 Amanda Wright著 DK Publshing (Get Started Series) 2013年アメリカ版発行 US$15.00 192頁 0.64㎏ 22.4×17.6×1.8㎝ Hardcover
【内容紹介】Have you always wanted to learn how to bake, but don't know how to get started? Get Started: Baking is your perfect, patient teacher, taking you from complete beginner to being able to bake more than 65 delicious step-by-step recipes. Start simple with easy cupcakes and a wholesome quick bread; build on your skills by achieving "wobble" on a cheesecake, scrumptiously moist brownies, and a mastery of the art of pastry; and show off with fabulous profiteroles, your own artisan loaf, and more. Packed with advice, reminders, and help when things go wrong, Get Started: Baking will soon have you hooked on the satisfying pleasure of home baking. More than any other series on the market, DK's Get Started series simulates carefully structured classroom lessons, an approach that allows you to custom-build courses with practical lessons and themed projects. Nothing's assumed, and everything's explained; each book answers fundamental questions, identifies the subject's basics, and provides step-by-step explanations and assessments so you can fulfill your own unique potential.
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