1 Theme From Dressed To Kill (Main Title) 4:20
2 Kate's Confession 0:43
3 Bad Night 0:34
4 The Museum 6:15
5 The Cab 1:58
6 The Note 4:17
7 The Forgotten Ring 3:22
8 Death In The Elevator 2:15
9 Telephone Message From Bobbi 1:17
10 Marino And Elliot 1:22
11 Peter Builds Camera 1:46
12 Peter Sets Camera 3:27
13 Flight From Bobbi 2:22
14 Liz Chased By Hoods 1:49
15 Liz And Peter - A Romantic Interlude 1:48
16 Liz And Peter Watch Film 1:29
17 Dressed To Kill 1:35
18 The Erotic Story 2:42
19 The Transformation 4:03
20 Liz At Police Station 0:16
21 The Asylum 3:07
22 Bobbi Outside House 0:39
23 The Nightmare 4:14
24 Theme From Dressed To Kill (End Title) 2:32
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