■商品・内容 中古輸入盤CD 【Ennio Morricone / A Gun For Ringo - The Return Of Ringo - Death Rides A Horse】2003年発売
A Gun For Ringo
1-1Angel Face
1-2Honky Tonky
1-3Grotesque Suspense
1-4Hesitating Rag
1-5Heroic Mexico
1-6Bamba Bambina
1-7The Wait
1-8The Clash
1-9The Slaughter
1-10A Pistol For Ringo
The Return of Ringo
1-11The Return Of Ringo
1-12The Disguise
1-13Sheriff Carson
1-14The Fuentes
1-15The Meeting With The Daughter
1-16The Funeral
1-17Barnaba's Bamba
1-18The Wedding And The Revenge
1-19Peace Comes Back In Mimbres
Death Rides A Horse
2-1Death Rides A Horse
2-2A Man And A Whistle
2-3Alone In The Night
2-4Death Rides A Horse
2-5Mystic And Severe
2-6Monody For Guitar
2-7Anger And Sorrow
2-8Guitar Nocturne
2-9Death Rides A Horse
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