英語宗教「文化を超えた衝突の調停:経路とパターン/Conflict Mediation Across Cultures: Pathways and Patterns」David W. Augsberger/デビッド アウグスバーガー(著) Westminster John Knox Press 1992年発行 目次他10頁+310頁 0.42㎏ 20.3×13.3×2.2㎝ Paperback
【内容紹介】David Augsburger believes conflict is inevitable in human life, but that it is essential and can be quite constructive. He proposes a shift to an "international" approach in resolving conflict. He focuses on interpersonal and group conflicts and provides a comparison of conflict patterns within and among various cultures. 【著者について】David W. Augsburger is Professor of Pastoral Counseling at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. He is the author of twenty books in pastoral counseling, marriage, and conflict and human relations, including Pastoral Counseling across Cultures and Helping People Forgive, both published by WJK.
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