(2023年 9月 10日 6時 51分 追加) MARC ALMOND/VARIOUS The Whip (1983 UK 11-track LP, a music 'soundtrack' compliation featuring the exclusive 'The Hungry Years' - Marc Almond's collaboration with Andi Sex Gang. Also features other Gothic tracks by Dave Vanian, Play Dead, Brilliant, Sex Gang Children & Brigandage, picture sleeve with album credits insert KAM014)
TRACKLISTING AND EXTRA INFORMATION 1. The Whip - Dave Sex Gang 2. Scream Like An Angel - Brilliant 3. The Hungry Years - Marc Almond and Andi Sex Gang 4. 32nd Piano Concerto in A Minor 5. Hide And Seek - Brigandage 6. Tenterhooks - Dave Vanian 7. Bloodstains Pleasure - Play Dead 8. Unbeatabix/Bran Flakes - Short Commercial Beak 9. SHM YHSHVH - Blood and Roses 10. Slave-Drive - Slave-Drive 11. Oh Funny Man - Sex Gang Children
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