James Bond - Vivre Et Laisser Mourir (Live And Let Die)
1-1Vivre Et Laisser Mourir (Live And Let Die)3:04
1-2Les Diamants Sont Eternels (Diamonds Are Forever)3:29
1-3Operation Tonnerre (Thunderball)2:39
1-5On Ne Vit Que Deux Fois (You Only Live Twice)3:06
1-6Au Service Secret De Sa Majeste (On Her Majesty's Secret Service)2:49
1-7007 (Bons Baisers De Russie)3:42
1-8The James Bond Theme3:04
1-9Mister Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Operation Tonnerre)2:28
1-10Bons Baisers De Russie (From Russia With Love)2:33
Love Story
2-1Love Story2:43
2-2Pour Une Poignee De Dollars (A Fistful Of Dollars)2:46
2-3Dr Zhivago (Lara's Theme)2:30
2-4Midnight Cowboy (Du Film "Macadam Cowboy")3:09
2-5The Ballad Of Bonnie And Clyde2:26
2-6Jeux Interdits2:27
2-7Le Jour Ou Tu Te Maries (Marry, Marry Me) (From "Mazel Tov")2:43
2-8To Sir With Love (Stealing My Love From Me)2:25
2-9Une Homme Et Une Femme2:18
2-10Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid (Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head)3:02
2-11Le Troisieme Homme (Harry Lime Theme)3:03
2-12Carnet De Bal3:00
3-1Les Sept Mercenaires (Du Film "The Magnificent Seven")2:18
3-2Il Etait Une Fois Dans L'Ouest3:18
3-4Deguello (Du Film "Rio Bravo")2:12
3-5Le Bleu De L'Ete (Du Film "Alamo")2:54
3-6Si Toi Aussi Tu M'Abandonnes (Du Film "Le Train Sifflera Trois Fois")3:38
3-7The Big Country2:56
3-8Pour Une Poignee De Dollars2:46
3-9La Joie D'Aimer (The Unforgiven) (Du Film "Le Vent Dans La Plaine")3:01
3-10O.K. Corral (Du Film "Gunfight At The O.K. Corral")2:18
3-11Le Bon, La Brute Et Le Truand (The Good, The Bad And The Ugly)2:31
3-12The Call Of The Far Away Hills (Du Film "Shane")2:53
Cinema 1
4-2Voyage Au Bout De L'Enfer (Deer Hunter)4:11
4-3Hair (Good Morning Starshine)3:43
4-4Foul Play (Drole D'Embrouille)3:08
4-5The Wiz3:10
4-6The Muppet Show Theme2:34
4-11Star Wars3:27
4-12Rencontres Du Troisieme Type (Close Encounters Of The Third Kind)3:01
4-13Saturday Night Fever (Manhattan Skyline)3:22
4-14Grease (You're The One That I Want)2:50
4-15007 (Du Film "Bons Baisers De Russie")3:42
4-16Love Theme (De Reve En Reverie) (Du Film "A Star Is Born")3:31
4-17La Panthere Rose (Pink Panther)3:55
4-18Singing In The Rain3:15
4-20Cousin Cousine3:10
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