英語化学 オックスフォード「生化学者のための物理化学の原理と問題(解答付)Principles and Problems in Physical Chemistry for Biochemists 3rd Edition」Nicholas C. Price, Raymond A. Dwek, R. G. Ratcliffe, and Mark Wormald共著 Oxford出版 2009年第3版(2001年初版)発行 目次19頁+401頁 Paperback 0.82㎏ 24.5×19×2.3㎝
【内容紹介】・Only physical chemistry relevant to biochemistry is covered, making this book ideal for biochemistry undergraduates
・Features improved design with boxes to separate out the worked examples, key objectives list at the start of each chapter, much new artwork and an increased number of problems
・Worked examples explain difficult concepts, and are in tinted boxes separated from the main text
・Core equations are emphasized
・Key objectives are outined at the beginning of each chapter, making for easy navigation and planned learning
・Extensive set of problems with answers provided in the book, enhancing the teaching ability of the text
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