【Disc1】 ├─ 01-Aerosmith 1973 ├─ 02-Get Your Wings 1974 ├─ 03-Toys In The Attic 1975 ├─ 04-Rocks 1976 ├─ 05-Draw the Line 1978 ├─ 06-Night In The Ruts 1980 ├─ 07-Rock In A Hard Place 1982 ├─ 08-Done With Mirrors 1985 ├─ 09-Permanent Vacation 1987 ├─ 10-Pump 1989 ├─ 11-Get A Grip 1993 ├─ 12-Nine Lives 1998 └─ 13-Just Push Play 2001
AEROSMITH CD2 1988-2003
【Disc2】 ├─ 01-Pump (1989) ├─ 02-Get A Grip (1993) ├─ 03-Big Ones (1994) ├─ 04-Big Ones (Bonus CD) (1994) ├─ 05-Nine Lives (1997) ├─ 06-A Little South Of Sanity CD1 (1998) ├─ 07-A Little South Of Sanity CD2 (1998) ├─ 08-Just Push Play (2001) └─ 09-Bonus (From The OST 'Armageddon')
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