スペイン語+英語「DBook: Density, Data, Diagrams, Dwellings:64の集合住宅プロジェクトのヴィジュアル分析: Analisis Visual de 64 Proyectos de Vivienda Colectiva : a Visual Analysis of 64 Collective Housing Projects」Aurora Fernandez Per,Javier Mozas,Javier Arpa共著 a+t ediciones 2007年発行 439頁 65ユーロ 33×24×3.8㎝ 2.6㎏ Hardcover
【裏表紙より】DBOOK comprises a group of 64 collective housing projects, analyzed according to their contribution to the dense city. After the release of Density. New collective Housing, DBOOK represents a leap forward in the diffusion of architectural examples which promote the compact development of urban settlements.
【内容紹介】Both in cities and regional areas around the world, housing developments continue to face challenges for architects both in terms of providing attractive levels of accommodation and embracing efficient standards for sustainability. This compendium systematically examines a total of sixty four recently completed collective housing projects allowing for a comparison both through documentation and density values.
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