01. Con Cassidy's/Neil Gow's Highland/ Moll and Tiarna/McSweeney's
02. Yellow Tinker/Lady Montgomery
03. Thug M Ruide
04. Ta Mo Chleamhnas A Dhanamh
05. The Curlew/McDermott's/The Scones of Boxty/Unnamed Reel
06. Tuirse Mo Chroi
07. Paddy's Trip to Scotland/ Dinky's/The Shetland Fiddler
08. Johnny's Wedding/Rogue's Reel/Gravel Walk
デ・ダナン(De Danna)
09. Mulvihill's/Mulqueen's
10. The Bantry Girl's Lament
11. The Rights of Men/The Pride of Petravore
12. Joe Doran's/The Galway Rambler/Jerry Holland's
13. Taim I Mo Shui
14. Unnamed Reels
15. The Westwind
Frankie Gavin, Liam O'Flynn, Dessie Wilkinson
16. The High Reel/The Monaghan Twig
Dessie Wilkinson
17. The Return of Spring/The Mountain Pathway
Frankie Gavin, Liam O'Flynn, Dessie Wilkinson
18. The Maids of Mount Cisko/Kitty Gone A-Milking
Frankie Gavin
19. The Moving Pint/Dog Little/Dog Big
Frankie Gavin, Liam O'Flynn, Dessie Wilkinson
20. I Buried My Wife and Danced on Her Grave/Paddy High's Jig
Frankie Gavin
21. The Wheels of the World
Liam O'Flynn
22. By the River of Gems
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