The two-part conclusion to The Office bids farewell to David Brent and his long-suffering co-workers in a surprisingly poignant not to say dignified manner. Supposedly accompanied by the fly-on-the-wall documentary crew three years after his highly undignified exit from Slough-based paper merchants Wernham Hogg, the first part reveals Brent as a travelling salesman by day and D-list celebrity by night, enduring humiliating club appearances organised by his clueless manager. But Brent can't ・・・
如因下列事件引致運送過程中導致貨品毀損、延遲,Jumppoint 皆不負任何責任︰
i. 包裝不穩固或未作加強而引致有破裂、毀損;
ii. 貨品性質為易燃、爆炸、發霉、腐壞、變色等;
iii. 易碎物品沒有標貼上「易碎標籤」;
iv. 無法預知或不可抗力因素,如交通事故、惡劣天氣情況等引起之阻礙或延遲;
v. 收件人聯絡電話不正確或無效等等。