Up for this auction is a 4/4 cello I got it in France where I live, and from a private former player who asked me to sell it for him.
This is a very nice cello with several stamps inside "Mathias HEINICKE" as well as a label hand-dated 1932... This instrument is in an excellent playing condition, pegs and bridge are adjusted, sound-post is in place, no existing crack as per my inspection. Length of the back is 74,5 cm.
Note that I tried to photograph the item as honestly as possible, however feel welcome to ask me for more details in order to determine at best the origin and provenance of this beautiful cello.
Comes with a new case and safely package for transportation and shipping.
Don't miss the opportunity to own an old vintage cello for a very decent price!
Happy bidding! I accept reasonable offers as always...
See my other listings
Mathias Heinicke (1873 - 1956) was well-known Czech violin maker of German origin. He studied with E.R. Schmidt in Markneukirchen, Germany and also with Eugenio Degani in Venize, Italy. The cello from 1929 is in good and stable condition and it is stamped and labeled: "Mathias Heinicke Geigenbauer Wildstein b. Eger 1929 Bohemia Made in echoslovakia" LOB: 74.5 c
Born 1871. Studied at Markneukirchen and in Italy. Worked at Budapest and Berlin. Established at Wildstein (near Eger), 1897, and decided to make only one grade of violins, the best he could produce. Strict adherence to this policy combined with knowledge, skill, and experience, resulted in competent judges unhesitatingly acknowledging his pre-eminent superiority as master builder. Produced faithful replicas of a Stradivari, Guarneri, Maggini, and Amati. Perfect imitation of the peculiar shading and colour belonging to each model. Also created a model of his own reminiscent of the Amati-Stradivari form. Exclusive usage of woods aged for centuries in old Bohemian Churches, farmhouses, and the like, obtained by exhaustive personal search and selected with the keenness of acute judgment. Spirit and oil varnishes, the latter of Italian flexibility and transparency. Tonal quality remarkably devoid of newness, and one rapidly maturing into ideal purity as well as sonorous strength. £20 (1925). ’Cellos also realising masterful craftsmanship. £65 (1959).
Mathias Heinicke, Geigenbaner
Wildstein b. Eger, 1923. Bohemia.
Schler von Eugenio Degani in Venedig
Mode in Czechoslovakia
Sometimes only the first two lines. Also branded on back.
Advertised his instruments as “not built on any of the swindling and fanatical procedures often named ‘secret’.”
ecrit en travers.(Reference : Universal Dictionary of Violin & Bow makers par William Henley)
マティアス・ハイニッケ(1873~1956)は、ドイツ出身のチェコの著名なヴァイオリン製作者である。彼はドイツのマルクノイキルヒェンでE.R.シュミットに、またイタリアのヴェニスでエウジェニオ・デガーニに師事した。1932年に製作されたこのチェロは状態が良く安定しており、刻印とラベルがある: 「Mathias Heinicke Geigenbauer Wildstein b. Eger 1932 Bohemia Made in echoslovakia" LOB: 74.5 c
1871年生まれ。マルクノイキルヒェンとイタリアで学ぶ。ブダペストとベルリンで働く。1897年、エゲル近郊のヴィルトシュタインに工房を構え、ヴァイオリンのグレードは1種類に絞ることに決める。このポリシーの厳格な遵守と知識、技術、経験が相まって、有能な審査員たちは、マスタービルダーとしての彼の卓越した優位性を臆面もなく認めるようになった。ストラディバリ、グァルネリ、マッジーニ、アマティの忠実なレプリカを製作。それぞれのモデル特有の陰影や色彩を完璧に模倣。また、アマティ=ストラディヴァリのフォルムを彷彿とさせる独自のモデルも製作。ボヘミアの古い教会や農家などで何世紀にもわたって熟成された木材を独占的に使用。スピリットワニスとオイルワニス、後者はイタリアの柔軟性と透明性を持つ。色調の質は新しさを著しく欠き、理想的な純粋さと音の強さへと急速に成熟している。£20 (1925). 'チェロもまた、見事な職人技を実現している。£65 (1959).
彼の楽器は、「しばしば「秘密」と名づけられる詐欺的で狂信的な手順のどれにも基づいて作られていない 」と宣伝していた。
ecrit en travers.(Reference : Universal Dictionary of Violin & Bow makers par William Henley)
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