洋書英語「Buddha in your Backpack/バックパックの中のブッダ:Everyday Buddhism for Teens」Franz Metcalf/フランツ・メトカルフ著 2003年 Ulysses Press発行 244頁 US$14.95 21.6×14×2cm 0.3kg paperback 12歳以上向け
(内容紹介) A guide for navigating the teen years, Buddha in Your Backpack is for young people who want to learn more about Buddhism or for those who simply want to understand what’s going on inside themselves and in the world around them. Buddha in Your Backpack tells Buddha’s life story in a fashion teens will relate to, describing Buddha as a young rebel not satisfied with the answers of his elders. It then introduces Buddha’s core teachings with chapters like “All About Me” and “Been There, Why’d I Do That?” The author presents thoughtful and spiritual insights on school, dating, hanging out, jobs, and other issues of special interest to teens ? inviting readers to look inside themselves for answers.
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