★★★ASTROTUNES MUSIC SHOP★★★ ゴーバンズの12''EPレコード、「プリマドンナはお好き?」 を出品します。 Selling Go-Bang's, 12-inch EP record, ''Premadonna wa Osuki?'' オリジナルリリース / Original release レコード会社品番/Record Company Product #:Switch 45R.P.M. 15SW4512 ジャンル(GENRE):日本ロック 一般/J-Rock general アーチストタイプ (Artist Type):バンド / Band 参加アーチスト(Participating artists):森若香織, 斉藤光子, 谷島美砂 製造年 (Release year) :1987年 製造国 (Made in):Japan 国内盤 ASTROTUNES 管理番号:a011920 特記事項 (Notes):オリジナルリリース盤 あくまで中古品(一部未開封品を除く)ですので神経質な方は入札をお控えください。 We sell used products except for ones stated “unopened”. Do not buy if you expect brand new condition.
□□□ ENGLISH □□□ ★★★ Conditions ★★★★★★★★★★ ● Media surface: MINT condition. No visible damage while checking with special light. (Warning) Not tested. There are possibilities of noise from invisible damages. Please acknowledging that before buying. ● Sleeve: Near MINT condition. ● Inserts (liner notes, lyrics sheet etc, including sleeve attached one.) : MINT condition. ● OBI: No Obi. ● Plastic case (only for CDs): This is vinyl disk with no plastic case. ● Other content: With autograph ■ Items will be packed in a clean plastic outer bag. In case of Hara Nobuo Collection, his own plastic bag is used. ■ All contents are seen in the photos.Our standard shipping lead time is 7 days after payment. We will do our best to ship as early as possible. ● If you purchase multiple LP-size products, you will only be charged for one shipping fee. If the total amount including tax exceeds 10,000 yen, the shipping fee will be free. ● If you purchase multiple items at Yahoo! Auctions, please finish the purchases on each and every item you want. After payments are done, please give us a message that you would like to bundle. After that, the shipping fee will be re-culculated and reduced. If you do not send a message, the shipping fee will be re-culculated and reduced. If you do not send a message, the shipping fee cannot be reduced. ● The delivery method options are as follows. 〇 10-inch and larger records ⇒ JP Teikeigai (no tracking / no warranty) or Yu-Pack (with tracking and warranty). 〇 CD (up to 4) or 7-inch EP record (up to 10) ⇒ JP's click post (with tracking / no warranty). Yahoo Auction Yahoo Shopping
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